It’s A New Day

Levantarse a las 5:00h de la mañana un domingo para ir a hacer fotos, ¿estás loca?

Pues, sí.

Siempre estamos rodeados de momentos creativos…A todas horas. Sin embargo, a veces hay que madrugar para encontrar ese instante perfecto y hoy hay tocado precisamente eso.

Nos hemos levantado temprano (dos amigas y yo), hemos hecho fotos chulas, nos han picado los mosquitos, nos hemos desayunado…y para terminar la sesión me he ido a darme un baño en el mar. ¡El agua estaba buenísima!

A veces es una pena quedarse en la cama… Hay todo un mundo por descubrir.

Y tú, ¿qué has hecho hoy?

Get up at 5am on a Sunday just to take photos? Are you crazy?

The answer is, yes.

We are always surrounded by potential creative moments…24/7. However sometimes, to get that perfect one you have got to lose some sleep and that is exactly what was called for today.

So, we were up early (two friends and I), we took some great pictures, we got eaten alive by mosquitos, we had breakfast…And then to round off the morning I went for a refreshing dip in the sea. The water was delicious!

Sometimes it is such a shame to stay in bed…There is a whole world out there just waiting to be discovered.

What have you done today?

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